جاردن أوليان زيت الكارتي التجميلي
يحتوي زيت زبدة الشيا على الفيتامينات الطبيعية والاحماض الدهنية التي تغذي وترطب البشرة ويمنعها من الجفاف، يساعد على تجديد الشعر ومكافحة القشرة ويقضي على الخطوط الحمراء التي تظهر عند الحامل ( علامات التمدد ).
Shea Butter Oil contains natural vitamins and fatty acids that nourish and moisturize the skin wonderfully. Helps produce the skin's natural collagen, It nourishes and protects the skin as well as prevents dryness and makes it soft to the touch and elastic, It contains vitamin E, A and can also be used internally to provide these nutrients to the body, It is known for its anti-acne properties and contributes to, Reducing wrinkles and sagging skin. Helps rejuvenate hair and fight dandruff. Eliminates the red lines that appear when pregnant (Stretch marks). Karite butter oil helps treat skin irritation, and skin sensitivity. It can be placed on the site of injury, Burns, cuts and scrapes to moisturize the skin. Treating cracked feet, It helps in softening the hair, because it penetrates the hair follicles and moisturizes, and the effect of this appears on the strand. Treat damaged hair, It helps in brightening and brightening and unifying the skin tone, More about this source textSource text required for additional translation information, Send feedback, Side panels