جاردن أوليان زيت الجزر التجميلي
استُخدِمَ زيت الجزر كواحد من الزيوت الشعبية منذ مئات السنين، وهو مُضاد قوي من مُضادات الفطريات، وله العديد من الفوائد التي تساعد على تعزيز نمو الجلد وتحسين عملية الشفاء للوجه والبشرة.
Carrot oil has been used as one of the popular oils for hundreds of years, and it is a powerful anti-fungal, and has many benefits for the skin and face, Carrot oil contains high levels of antioxidants, carotenoids, and vitamin A compounds. Which helps to promote skin growth, and improve the healing process of the skin. Reduces the spread of fungi by 65%, It helps to get healthy skin, it also makes it look younger, and it improves the elasticity of its texture. Promotes the development of melanin, which determines skin tone. Carrots have many powerful cleansing properties, which contribute to the removal of toxins from the body, thus helping to get rid of acne, Carrots and carrot oil contribute to the fight against aging,